2. compare the following artworks from your textbook: fig. 11-11; fig. 11-12; fig. 11-14; fig. 11-15; fig. 11-17; fig. 11-23; fig. 11-24 for the first paragraph, choose the artwork you prefer. specifically cite the name of the artist. describe exactly what you see as if talking to someone about it who could not see it, appropriately using at least 5 of the art terms found on the last page of these instructions. highlight, underline, capitalize, or italicize the art terms; however, no more than two art terms can be used in a single sentence. be sure to include one sentence which identifies the artwork as representational, abstract or nonrepresentational. then discuss why you prefer this artwork? the paragraph must contain a minimum of 10 college-level sentences. no sentence should contain less than six words. questions will not count as sentences. for the second paragraph, choose the artwork you least prefer. specifically cite the name of the artist. describe exactly what you see as if talking to someone about it who could not see it, appropriately using at least 5 of the art terms found on the last page of these instructions. highlight, underline, capitalize, or italicize the art terms; however, no more than two art terms can be used in a single sentence. be sure to include one sentence which identifies the artwork as representational, abstract or nonrepresentational. then discuss why you least prefer this artwork? the paragraph must contain a minimum of 10 college-level sentences. no sentence should contain less than six words. questions will not count as sentences.