Sketch the p-channel counterpart of the current source circuit of Fig. 8.1. Let the sources of Q, and Q, be connected to Vop. Let Vpp = 1.3 V, VI=0.4 V, Q, and Q, be matched, and 4 Cox = 80 A/V. Find the device WIL ratios and the value of the resistor that sets the value of IRE so that a nominally 50-1A output current is obtained. The current source is required to operate for V, as high as 1.1 V. Neglect channel-length modulation. problem w R ovo 0 Figure 8.1 Circuit for a basic MOSFET constant- current source. For proper operation, the output terminal, that is, the drain of Q. must be connected to a circuit that ensures that operates in saturation.