ccnav7 introduction to networks itn practice skills assessment - packet tracer a few things to keep in mind while completing this activity: 1. do not use the browser back button or close or reload any exam windows during the exam. 2. do not close packet tracer when you are done. it will close automatically. 3. click the submit assessment button in the browser window to submit your work. introduction in this assessment, you will configure devices in an ipv4/ipv6 network. for the sake of time, you will not be asked to perform all configurations on all network devices as you may be required to do in a real network or other assessment. instead, you will use the skills and knowledge that you have learned in the labs and packet tracers in this course to configure the building 1 router. in addition, you will address the hosts on two lans with ipv4 and ipv6 addresses and activate and address the management interface of the second floor switch. you will receive one of several topologies. you are not required to configure the first floor switch, and you will not be able to access it in this practice skills assessment activity. all ios device configurations should be completed from a direct terminal connection to the device console. in addition, many values that are required to complete the configurations have not been given to you. in those cases, create the values that you need to complete the requirements. for values that have been supplied to you, they must be entered exactly as they appear in order for you to get full credit for your configuration. you will practice and be assessed on the following skills: