Lamont and Lydi are siblings that went to a healer to help with some physical aches and pains from playing sports.
Lamont and Lydi were given a 25-question survey to describe their physical, emotional, and mental states. Their auras were the read by the healer to see if their colors matched their survey responses.
The healer determined that while Lamont was showing blue and green colors, Lydi was displaying browns and grays. The healer determined that Lamont was in good physical shape, but Lydi needed to do some specific mental and physical exercises to help with her problems.
Lamont had read the study by University of Grenada and said that this information had to be valid because a scientific study was done on it. Lydi was not as convinced.
Do you agree with Lamont? explain why and determine if the healers knowledge is based on science or pseudoscience. Give Atleast 2 examples to support your claim.
Be sure to use at least two of the six criteria for scientific claims in your examples.
Please help