A map of the territory controlled by the Mauryan Empire around 250 BCE. The territory controlled by the empire stretches from the Indus River valley in the northwest to the Hindu Kush Mountains in the north and the Himalayan Mountains in the northeast. All of the subcontinent of India is part of the empire except the southern tip and an island off the coast of southern India. The Khyber pass is in the Hindu Kush. The city of Pataliputa is located on the southeastern edge of the Himalayan Mountains. Approximately two inches separates the Hindu Kush from the southeastern edge of the Himalayan Mountains. A scale is provided where one inch equals 500 miles.
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How far is it from Pataliputa to the Khyber Pass?
about 250 miles
about 500 miles
about 1,000 miles
about 1,500 miles