Create your own religion. There are several criteria that must be met. Create a visual aid by either making a poster, a powerpoint or a video describing your religion.

What should be turned in: Visual aid, and a document with the answers to the questions below. Your document should be at least one or two pages and should be written in complete sentences with proper grammar.

Name of your religion and what you worship.

How many gods?

How many do you worship?

What rituals do you perform? (both priests and laity)

Marriage, death, birth, worship rituals should all be considered.

What symbols does your religion have? Make one up. It cannot be vulgar!

What is sacred and profane?

What happens in the afterlife (if there is one)?

Do you have a holy book? If so, what is it? (please feel free to make something up)

Sociological Aspects
Interpret your religion through each of the three theories: Below are some guiding questions to get you started. Please expand beyond these by further research.

Functionalism: What function does your religion serve?

Conflict Theory: What are the power structures of your religion and does it oppress others?
Interactionist: What kind of interactions does your religion have between members, clergy, non-members, etc.