Motorcycle manufacturing company CU-Rider produces two popular motorcycles (Ducati 750F and 780R). in the coming months, the manufacturer plans to produce a Limitation 2 or 'Car] Every 'Ducati produced and sold turns a profit 51180 , while every 'Ducati 7808' turns a profit. The motorcycles are mechanically similar but differ in appearance polymer-based trim around the fuel tank burn and upholstery. The Ducati 750 f trim required pounds of polymer and hours of production time, whereas each 'Ducati 7808' required 2 pounds of polymer and hours of production time. Assume that 1300 pounds of polymer and 2500 labor hours are available for production. Assume that motorcycles can be produced in fractions. Please note, unless stated otherwise, each question is independent of the other. construinto) Does this production dedulon violate "Constralnt tr? total profit 5 violetion of Cil? quantity grodaction total priifies 3) What happens to your wolution ostinat if cu-nider increases the max production target (C) by 100?). happens to your optimal solution if cU-Rider can shorten the production time of 'Ducati 780R' byCu-tider motorcycle manufacturing company manufactures two popular motorcycles foucath 750 and 7 soef up to 930 for Fach 'Ducaul 750F' manufactures and sells the result with a profit of 51180 , while each 'Ducati 7 months' generates a profit of. and upholstery.Cach Ducati trim requires a lot of golymer and hours of production time, while each 'Ducati 7ios' requires 2 pounds of polymer and hours of production time. Assume that 1,300 pounds of polymer and 2,500 hours of labor is available for production. Assume that the motorcycle can be produced in fractions. Note, unless otherwise noted, this question is not depend on each other. Doss thli productlon deklaan vlolate 'Constraint in? 2) Determine the number of 'Ducati and 'Ducati 7oh' cu-hiders needed to make their total profit (helude all conatrainti). 3) What happens to your optimal solution if cu-nider increases the maximum production tareet (0) by 100? 4) What happens to your optimal solution if CU-Rider can reduce the production time of the 'Ducati 780R' by 23%? \begin{tabular}{lrr|} total production & Ducati 75OF & Ducati 780R \\ \hline & \\ \hline \end{tabular} total profit \$