For each of the following descriptions, indicate which type of audit (financial statement audit, audit of internal control, compliance audit, operational audit, or forensic audit) best characterizes the nature of the audit being conducted. Also indicate which type of auditor (external auditor, internal auditor, government auditor, or forensic auditor) is likely to perform the audit engagement.
a. Evaluate the policies and procedures of the Food and Drug Administration in terms of bringing new drugs to market.
b. Determine the fair presentation of Ajax Chemical's balance sheet, income state- ment, and statement of cash flows.
c. Review the payment procedures of the accounts payable department for a large manufacturer.
d. Examine the financial records of a division of a corporation to determine if any accounting irregularities have occurred.
e. Evaluate the feasibility of forecasted rental income for a planned low-income public housing project.
f. Evaluate a company's computer services department in terms of the efficient and effective use of corporate resources.
g. Audit the partnership tax return of a real estate development company.
h. Investigate the possibility of payroll fraud in a labor union pension fund.