" What three take aways should high school students
know about the Holocaust?
Write a well-developed essay in which you explain
and support your statement. Use appropriate
evidence from your readings and videos (book,
article: "Would you stand up to an oppressive regime
or would you conform? Here's the Science," poems:
"His Other Chance" and "Then They Came for Me,"
movies: "Surviving the Holocaust," "Antisemitism
Explained - Anne Frank House," and "Antisemitism
Throughout Time,") from your English 10 class to
persuade your audience to agree with your stance
on the topic.
You need to have an attention getter to begin your
essay, a defensible thesis, three points that students
should take away from learning about the Holocaust
(the second point should be one that you can at
least partially agree with), 3 body paragraphs (the
second paragraph needs a concession and rebuttal)
and a convincing conclusion that moves the reader
to agree with what you're saying. "