But now a days things are different—he has his own travel guide, that he can depend on for all the information that he wants and with a selection. Hence these guides have made traveling more popular and without running into embarrassing situations.
Answer choices for the above question
A. “The white traveler for years has had no difficulty in getting accomodations [sic], but with the Negro it has been different.”
B. “He before the advent of Negro Travel Guides has had to depend on word of mouth and then sometimes accommodations weren’t available. ”
C. “Hence these guides have made traveling more popular and without running into embarrassing situations.”
D. “Since 1936, THE GREEN BOOK has been published yearly. A few years after its publication, THE GREEN BOOK was recognized as the official Negro Travel Guide by the United States Travel Bureau, a part of the Department of Commerce, which bureau has been closed, due to the lack of funds.”