Guided Question #3 of 11 - Anthropological Theory -
In chapter 5 of your book, HUMANS UNMASKED, you were introduced to modern and postmodern anthropological theories. These
theories are meant to help anthropologists make sense of the social behaviors, customs, and institutions they observe in other
cultures. One way to think about the variety of cultural phenomena that anthropologists may study is to use the operational model of
culture discussed in chapter 5.
For this assignment, I want you to pick one of the modern or postmodern anthropological theories discussed in your text and to
discuss how the theory you chose makes sense of the cultural phenomena in the operational model of culture. You should be
prepared to write approximately one paragraph (i.e., 4 or more sentences). In that paragraph, you need to (1) briefly identify and
describe the theory you chose and (2) discuss how it seeks to understands the cultural customs and institutions mentioned in the
operational model of culture in your book.