Show OrderYear, OrderMonth, and SalesVolume for all orders. Sort the results ascending by OrderYear and OrderMonth.
Show the OrderID, OrderDate and the current status of each Order. Use a correlated subquery in the SELECT list to get the Status with the most recent Status Date & Time and alias it as CurrentStatus.
Show EmployeeName (concatenated), Title, and Salary of all Employees whose salary is above average for the company
1- Show VendorID, VendorName, VendorDescription, and the ProductName for any Vendors who sell Products that help you stay safe from bears in the backcountry. To identify such Products, search for any Product with a name that starts with "Bear."
Come up with a query that will be used for invoices. The query needs to show Order Line level information, and then the final row will show the Order Totals. To earn the extra credit, you must use the UNION set operator.
The OrderLine level columns should include OrderID, OrderDate, ProductName, Price, Quantity, and LineTotal.The Order Total level information should include OrderID, OrderDate, and OrderTotal. For ProductName, show "Order Total." Align OrderTotal with LineTotal.