Suppose an airplane is flying 170 mph with a heading 15° east of south (285° measured counterclockwise from due east) when it encounters a 35 mph wind blowing steadily in a direction 15° north of east (15º measured counterclockwise from due east). Use ū to represent the speed vector of the airplane and ū to represent the speed vector of the wind.a. Start by drawing a head-to-tail configuration for v and and the resultant vector + w.b. Write both ū and win component form. (Your answers should be in the form "<#, #>".)c. Write the resultant vector v + w in component form.d. Now, write the resultant vector y + w in polar form. (You do not need to enter a degree symbol in your answer.)e. Your answer to part (c) tells us that the plane is actually moving at ___ mph in the direction _____ counterclockwise of due east.