Try first running the following Oz program (select 'True' after you run it): declare fun {Fibo N) case N of 1 then 1 [] 2 then 1 [] M then (Fibo (M-1)} + {Fibo (M-2)} end end {Browse (Fibo 100)) The time complexity of (Fibo N} is proportional to 2N. Hence, the screen will most likely freeze working to return a value. Here is a more efficient version of the Fibonacci example: declare fun {FiboTwo N Al A2) case N of 1 then Al [ 2 then A2 [] M then (Fibo Two (M-1) A2 (A1+A2) } end end {Browse (FiboTwo 100 1 1}} The Oz browser will provide the answer quickly. The time complexity of { Fibo N} is proportional to N. O True O False