Here is everything you will need for your flvs u.s history module 3 DBA
module 3 dba


policy of growing a nation's physical territory or political influence


policy of refraining from involvement in global affairs


policy of creating colonies in weaker natigns in order to generate raw materials and have access to new markets


involvement by a foreign power in the affairs of another nation, typically to achieve the stronger power's aims

-sphere of influence

an area or region over which a country has significant cultural, economic, military or political influence


devotion to the interests of one's own nation, desire and plans for national independence


the policy of making military interest very strong; a political situation in which the military interest dominates government policy


group of merchant ships sailing under the protection of a group of battleships

-conscientious objector

person who refuses to fight in a war, usually because of religious beliefs

-demilitarized zone

area where no military activity is permitted

-trench warfare

style of warfare that relied on a series of opposing dug-in defensive ditches


an agreement to end an armed conflict


the period after an armed conflict when soldiers are sent home and industries reduce or halt their production of war materials


the reduction or disbanding of a nation's army


compensation paid by a defeated nation-state to the victors after a war


a penalty or punishment given for violating a law or directive

The difference between

fourteen points & treaty of versailles

fourteen points was wilson’s speech for peace of germany and treaty of versailles was to go against wilson’s wishes and be harsh towards germany


Turner's Thesis: an idea advanced by historian Frederick Jackson Turner that argued that Americans should seek a new frontier, one in foreign lands, because this would help
Americans maintain their inventive and energetic spirits


big stick policy
roosevelt corollary