Currency Exchange Programming challenge description: Given A list of foreign exchange rates A selected curreny A target currency Your goal is to calculate the max amount of the target currency to 1 unit of the selected currency through the FX transactions. Assume all transations are free and done immediately If you cannot finish the exchange, return Input: You will be provided a list of fx rates, a selected currency, and a target currency. For example: FX rates list: USD to JPY 1 to 109 USD to GBP 1 to 0.71 GBP to JPY 1 to 155 Original currency: USD Target currency : OPY Output: Calculated the max target currency will can get. For example: USD to JPY -> 109 USD to GBP to JPY = 0.71 . 155 = 110.05 > 109. so the max value will be 110.05 Test 1 Test Input USD, GBP, 0.7;USD, JPY, 109;GBP, JPY, 155; CAD, CNY, 5.27; CAD, KRW, 921 USD CNY USD to GBP 1 to 0.71 GBP to JPY 1 to 155 Original currency: USD Target currency : JPY Output: Calculated the max target currency will can get. For example: USD to JPY -> 109 USD to GBP to JPY = 0.71 155 = 110.05 > 109, so the max value will be 110.95 Test 1 Test Input USD, GBP, 0.7;USD, JPY, 109; GBP, JPY, 155; CAD, CNY,5.27;CAD, KRW, 921 USD CNY Expected Output -1.2 Test 2 Test Input USD, CAD, 1.3;USD, GBP, 0.71; USD, JPY, 109;GBP, JPY, 155 USD JPY Expected Output 110.05 1 import sys 2 for line in sys.stdin: print(line, end="") 3