T-Mobile LTE 10:02 AM a mymasonportal.gmu.edu Due: in lab In-lab assignment #5 Topics Polymerphism, function overriding The purpose of this lab assignment is to gain experience in python's polymorphism feature. Lab Scenario: L. You are given a parent class called Superhero. You are going to implement one child classes called Ironman which will override two functions of parent class. 2. The parent class has four methods superhero a. initself, power): this method takes one parameter, power of the b. powers sel:this method prints the power of the object passed c. uniforms self): this method prints the general unifom d. names(self): this method prints the general fact about their names , Your Task You need to define two methods in both subclasses Ironman: Override powers and names method 1 powers self): This method overrides powers0) method of parent class and prints a message as shown in sample VO. Please see below 2. names self, namek This method overrides names0 method of parent class and and prints a message as shown in sample VO. Please see below 4. You need to define a main) function and considering the definition of the parent dlass main() function: A sample main steps can be as follows L Create object for Ironman subclass and ask for name and power for ironman as user input and using the objecr access the powers, namesć) and uniforms0 method. ii. Create object for superclass and call all methods of this class with the FYL, Subeloss wl hove access to all the methods and attributes of the parent closs Sample inout/output Object of ironman subclass ronman has the Tomy Stark:1 am Iron Man power of Blasters to next page Object of superclass: wy power is nying My name starts withT