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Chocolate is bad for the Ivory Coast for three main reasons the first reason is deforestation, the second reason is child labor, the third reason is poverty.
The first reason is deforestation. The chocolate farmers in the Ivory Coast often have to expand the cocoa Plantation by removing trees from the environment to make space for the coca plants, which removes habitats for animals living in the area which can lead to the extinction of different species in the area.
The second reason that cocoa is bad for the Ivory Coast is child labor the cocoa farmers will often not be paid enough to support their family which drives their children to help Farm Cocoa so they can provide for their family so instead of being in school or living their own life and being themselves they have to help their family on a farm to survive.
The third reason why chocolate is bad for the Ivory Coast is poverty the people that farm Cocoa often do not get paid enough to buy simple food items for their family which causes them to work long hours she get paid little to nothing for the work they put in hours at a time which will cause child labor.
In conclusion chocolate is bad for the Ivory Coast because of poverty deforestation the extinction of species in the areas and child labor.