#For this check-in, your goal is to write an agent that can
#play tic-tac-toe.
#How do you code an agent that plays tic-tac-toe? Well, you
#code an agent that plays a single move in a tic-tac-toe game.
#Then, we run a game, passing the board back and forth between
#your agent and an opponent.
#So, all you need to do is write a function called move. move
#should have one parameter, a list of lists. The parameter
#will always be a 3x3 list of characters. Every item in the
#3x3 list will be either a space (empty), U (Us), or T (Them).
#We're using U and T instead of X and O so that your agent
#doesn't have to worry about whether it's playing as X or O:
#you always play as U.
#Your move function should always return a tuple with two
#integer representing the coordinate where you want to play, row
#then column. For example, returning (0, 0) would play in the
#top left. Returning (0, 2) would play in the top right (row 0,
#column 2). Returning (2, 0) would play in the bottom left (row
#2, column 0). Returning (2, 2) would play in the bottom right
#(row 2, column 2).
#Remember, you're only coding an agent to play a single move
#in a tic-tac-toe game; it's given a board and it returns a
#single move. The board it receives might be empty, it might
#be partially-played, or it might have only a single possible
#move remaining. You may assume that the game board is valid
#(e.g. no one has yet won the game).
#In order to pass this check-in, all you have to do is write
#an agent that can play a move in any valid board: it never
#tries to play in a spot that has already been played or to
#play a move out of range. Beyond that, it does not matter if
#your agent wins or loses, or how it selects the move to play.
#Add your move() function here!