match each supreme court case to its description(s). note that every item may not have a match, while some items may have more than one match.
a. Amicus curiae brief
b. Opinion
c. Brief
d. Dissenting Opinion
1. document laying out the legal belief of a minority of the Supreme Court justices about the case in question(There can be anywhere from zero to four dissenting opinions.)
2. interest group-written brief that advises the Court on how to rule on a case(These kinds of briefs can help sway judicial opinion.)
3. Document laying out the legal belief of the Supreme Court justices about the case in question(There is at least one majority opinion and sometimes one or more concurring opinions.)
4. attorney-written document arguing why the Court should agree with their client (Briefs are submitted by each side and read carefully by the justices.)
Dissenting Opinion