The game designers programmed the game so that there was a 15% chance of the first room not having a ghost. The second room is designed to only have a 12% chance of not having a ghost. The game designer programmed the rooms to only have a 2% chance of not having a ghost in either room.
What is the probability that there are no ghosts and you will complete the level on your first try?
What is the probability that there are no ghosts and you will complete the level on your first try?
What is the probability that only the second room does not have a ghost?
What is the probability that both rooms have a ghost when you start the stage?
What is the probability that there is only one room without a ghost?
What is the probability that the first room has a ghost but the second room does not?
What is the probability that the first room does not have a ghost, but the second room does?