1. The apartment was so cool, but there is no bus stop within miles and I don't have a car. Rent
Not rent
2. The renting agent says I have to rent for at least one year. But I'm not sure how many months I'll be in town.
Not rent
3. I'm not sure how many months I'll be in town. The renting agent says I can leave with 30 days notice.
Not rent
4. It fits my budget, and I can get to school and work easily.
Not rent
5. The apartment is great! Bigger bath than I have at home. Close to work! Rent is reasonable! On the "down side," I like cranking my tunes, but the walls are thin and this apartment is loaded with retirees. Plus, they don't allow pets, and I'm thinking about getting a pet boa constrictor.
Not rent
6. I did my homework on the landlord and found out he has a lot of complaints against him from former renters. He never repairs problems in apartments and never gives deposits back without a fight.