Directions: Make the sentences below more effective: (Remove unnecessary observers and verbs)


The horse started to trot through the meadow.
The horse trotted through the meadow.
Anthony sees the sheep as they are beginning to swarm the petting zoo attendees.
The sheep swarm the petting zoo attendees.

1.The toddler starts to throw a fit.
The mother watches as he throws his bottle off the high chair and flips over his plate onto the floor.

2.I notice my cat starting to creep up to the side of the bed with pupils the size of pancakes.

3.Heather watches her phone as mountains of emoji-filled texts start to flood the screen.

4.After rushing to get his final exam completed, Ethan watches as his computer starts the dramatic shutdown process because the charger wasn't plugged in.

5.Kyle decides to go for a brisk walk in the park.