Consider A5/1 like structure of a stream cipher with two LFSRs L1 and L2 of length 5 and 6 respectively. Middle bit of L1 and two middle bits of L2 are input of majority function. L1 is clocked if middle bit equals the output of majority function, whereas L2 is clocked if XOR of the middle bits equal the majority function. Initial state of L1 and L2 are [11011] and [101010] respectively. Connection polynomial of L1 is x^5+x^3+1. Whereas characteristic polynomial of L2 is 〖x^6+x〗^5+x^2+x+1. Output of the stream cipher is the XOR of the output bits of the two LFSRs. Note that: previous output bit is used when a LFSR is not clocked.
(a) Obtain first 10 output bits of the stream cipher.