
Read the two
passages about the destruction of Pompei.
Which statement best explains the difference between
There was found a skeleton with a bronze axe, having
the viewpoints of the writers of the two passages?
attempted to break through the wall next to him. It is not
unreasonable to suppose that he was
unable to flee
O The first passage is opinion, while the second
by means of the courtyard, where the volcanic debris
passage is fact. IS
was too abundant, had attempted to make his way
O The first passage is relevant, while the second
through the opposite wall.
passage is irrelevant.
-François de Paule Latapie
O The first passage is subjective, while the second
passage is objective.
A cloud .
was ascending, the appearance of which l
cannot give you a more exact description of than by
O The first passage is a secondary source, while the
second passage is a primary source.
likening it to that of a pine tree, for it shot up to a great
height in the form of a very tall trunk, which spread itself
out at the top into a sort of branches.
-Letter to Cornelius Tacitus, Pliny the Younger