In this problem we determine the first time after 10 o'clock at which the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock point in the exact same direction ( meaning when they are " on top of" each other). See if you can find the time on your own before reading the following steps. ( Assume that both hands move continously. For example, from 10 o'clock to 11 o'clock, the hour hand smoothly and gradually moves from pointing at the 10 to pointing at the 11.)

a) Let m be the number of mintues after 10 o'clock at which the minuet hand and hour hand are pointing in the same direction. In terms of m, trhough what fraction of hte entire face of the clock has the minute hand traveled during the m minutes after 10 o'clock?

b) In terms of m, what fraction of hte distance from 10 to 11 has the hour hand traveled during the m minutes after 10 o'clock?

c) Trough what farction of the entire clock's face doe sthe hour hand travel during the m minutes after 10 o'clock?

d) At what exact time do the minute hand and hour hand point in the same direction?