We Filipinos have all along believed that if the American nation at large knew
exactly, as we do, what is daily happening in the Philippine Islands, they would
rise en masse, and demand that this barbaric war should stop...
And, did America recognize this fact, she would cease to be the laughing stock
of other civilized nations, as she became when she abandoned her traditions
and set up a double standard of government by consent in America,
government by force in the Philippine Islands...
... You entered into an alliance with our chiefs... and you promised us your aid
and protection in our attempt to form a government on the principles and after
the model of the government of the United States. Thereupon you sent a
powerful fleet to Manila and demolished the old Spanish hulks... in Manila. In
combination with our forces, you compelled Spain to surrender, and you
proclaimed that you held the city, port and bay of Manila until such time as you
should determine what you meant by the word "control," as applied to the rest
of the islands...

Question: What are a couple of pieces of context for the document? Provide
the background information needed to understand the source in your own words
and then use evidence from the text and/or your notes to support your