Attending college can be expensive. First, college tuition, room, and housing can cost between $2,000 to over $10,000 per semester. Additional expenses make attending college even more expensive. For example, textbooks can cost between $100 to $1,000 per semester. Second, materials can also become expensive. Paper, writing utensils, notebooks, and other supplies often cost more at the college bookstore than online or through retail store. For instance, a package of paper can cost $2 at a retail store versus $5 at a college bookstore. Lastly, there are all kinds of special fees added onto the bill during registration. A college attendee might have to pay $50 fee for college insurance fee, $20 fee for activity/school activity fee, $15 fee for the student government association, and $100 fee for parking. There are additional fees if the attendee decides to add or drop classes. The fees required can make college seem never ending.

Attending college can be expensive First college tuition room and housing can cost between 2000 to over 10000 per semester Additional expenses make attending co class=