After going out for ice cream last night with his family, Jordan was watching the street. He noticed a lot of different vehicles
passing by. There were motorcycles (two wheels), bicycles (two wheels), tricycles (three wheels), cars (four wheels), and big trucks
(six wheels). Jordan counted the vehicles as they went past- a total of 60 in five minutes. He noticed the following about the
vehicles. Every second vehicle was a car. Every odd prime numbered vehicle was human powered (i.e. a bicycle or a tricycle) -
namely the third, fifth, seventh, 11th, 13th, 17th, and so on. (Look up the remaining primes up to 60 if you can't remember
them). Three out of every four human powered vehicles were bicycles. The odd numbered multiples of 3 (not including 3 itself)
were motorcycles. Finally, the remaining vehicles were big trucks. How many wheels went by on these 60 vehicles?