Determine whether the capitalized portion of the sentence is an independent clause a dependent clause or a pre-positional phrase:

1. WHEN JIM WENT OUTSIDE he returned with a sun burn.

2. John lost his keys FOR THE THIRD TIME.

3. The cat caught the mouse AFTER CHASING IT FOR HOURS.

4. Even though he can’t see MATT IS A GOOD LAWYER.

5. Jessica is a private detective THOUGH SHE DOESN'T ALWAYS TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.

6. IN THE STREET Luke talked to Danny.

7. Electra made a mess OUTSIDE OF THE ROOM.

8. RICK LEADS THE GROUP wether he likes it or not.

9. Near the bridge DARYL SHOT HIS CROSSBOW.

10. BEYOND THE MOUNTAIN there lies a hidden valley.

Now determine wether the clause is independent or dependent:

11. Even though I have never been

12. Sandwiches taste good

13. Micron e fights bad guys

14. Since he bought two

15. After the villain attacked

Now determine whether the given example is a dependent clause or if it is a prepositional phrase:

16. After the fight

17. After he fought the enemy

18. Before the final bell

19. Under the boardwalk

20. When chance sings