Write an extra or alternative scene for The Odyssey that includes a new archetypal character. For example, you could add an "outsider" in Odysseus's crew, a "damsel in distress" on a mystical island, or a "soul mate" for one of his men. It should be easy to tell which archetype your new character is!

- Your scene should be at least two pages, double spaced.

- Upload your document.

Archetype Fiction Story
Criteria Ratings Pts

view longer description

70 pts


The student demonstrates their understanding of archetypes clearly.

56 pts


The student demonstrates a moderate understanding of archetypes but the story is somewhat unclear or only somewhat displays an archetypal character.

42 pts


It is either unclear which prompt the student is writing about, OR the student barely engages with the chosen prompt.

/ 70 pts
Length and Format

view longer description

30 pts


The story is at least two pages in length. The story is formatted according to MLA 8 standards: 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced.

24 pts


The story is at least two pages in length. The story has one or two formatting errors (not 12 pt. font, not Times New Roman font, or not double-spaced).

18 pts


The story is less than two pages in length. The story has one or two formatting errors (not 12 pt. font, not Times New Roman font, or not double-spaced).

/ 30 pts