To be done in Java and Eclipse with addon window builder.
Project Name: Pill Identifier

The program will have the following private attributes:
1. Pill Imprint – number imprint on the pill
2. Pill color – color of the pill
3. Pill shape – shape of the pill
4. Drug Name – active ingredient/commercial name
5. Drug Strength – milligrams contain on the pills
6. Creation Date Time of the record (timestamp)

The project will display a splash screen then a login frame. If the user name and
password are correct then will show the menu program.
The program will have the following menu and menu items:
1. File
◦ Add Pill
◦ Modify Pill
◦ Pill Identifier
◦ Pill Report
◦ Exit
2. Help
◦ Help Contents
◦ About

Items menu description:
• Add Pill – will add a new pill.
• Modify Pill – search should be made first by pill imprint, then if found will
display modify frame.
• Pill Identifier – will ask for pill imprint if is found will display all pill
• Pill Report – will display all pills from you List (in a JTable).
• Help contents – will display the help of your program.
• About – will display an about window displaying each of your member team

Use arrays to save the information, suggestion you may use List.
Before opening the Modify Pill frame you should open a dialog window search frame
asking the pill imprint. Once you enter the pill imprint then you will open the Modify
Pill frame.
Pill Report it will display all pills information registered on the List. For the Pill Report
frame you should use a JTable component.
In Add Pill, Modify Pill and Pill Identifier frames should be the pill’s photo. Your
program should use the class JFileChooser to get the pill’s photo name.