In this Lab, you’re going to use the TED website as a research center to take a deeper look at Mars, and the types of research projects and questions being asked about this planet.

Go to the TED website and perform a search for “Mars” or other keywords that might interest you about Mars. You may find some playlists that have already grouped relevant Mars talks together. This makes your research easier!

Scan through the various Mars-related topics and select 2-3 TED Talks that interest you. Note that some talks are much shorter than others; if the shorter talks strongly interest you, keep in mind that you may need to watch 3 or more of them to have enough source material to write about for this assignment.

Watch these talks and take notes on their main points. If you find that one of the talks you initially selected doesn’t suit your interest after all, or that its topic varies widely from your other choices, it is okay to return to TED and select another topic of interest.

Your notes for the TED Talks should include information about:

The speaker: their name, their professional background, what they do in relation to Mars

The topic: describe the research, or insights the speaker shares, including details on whether this research is on-going on Mars itself, or being done from Earth

Your questions: any points that you were left wondering about after watching the talk

Using your notes and word processing software of your choice, write a comparison/contrast essay presenting what you learned about Mars. This essay should weave together the insights from the various talks, so be sure to identify the talks by their title and/or speaker for clarity throughout the essay. In addition to summarizing the main point of the talk, in order to create the comparison/contrast essay, you will need to analyze these talks as a group of information and identify instances of overlap or disjunction. For example, where research from one talk might support or impact a topic in another talk, where the speakers presented information that conflicted with each other, etc. In addition to making final remarks in your conclusion, you may also want to include the questions the talks inspired in you, or any increased curiosity you might have had about Mars. It’s a high honor for a researcher to make someone else interested in their work!