A 4.6 m massless rod is loosely pinned (free to rotate) to a frictionless pivot at O. A 2.857 kg ball is attached to the other end of the rod. The ball is held at A, where the rod makes a 30° angle above the horizontal, and is released. The ball-and-rod assembly then swings freely in a vertical circle between A and B. In the figure, the ball passes through points C, D and E. At C, the rod makes an angle of 30° below the horizontal. At D, the rod makes an angle of 90° below the horizontal and at E the rod is parallel with the horizontal.
What is the speed of the ball as it passes through point C? Blank 1. Calculate the answer by read surrounding text.
What is the speed of the ball as it passes through point D? Blank 2. Calculate the answer by read surrounding text.
What is the speed of the ball as it passes through point E? Blank 3. Calculate the answer by read surrounding text.