Part 1:
Choose 1 topic you are interested in and ensure it can be written about in 1 of the following genres:

Professional email advocating for a change at work
How-to essay describing a process at home or work
Civic action letter to an official or authority
Persuasive essay on a debatable issue
Personal brand story based on your journaling and the Personal Branding Guide (Note: Refer to the Model Brand Story for a personal brand story example.)

Create a maximum 525-word written piece that includes the necessary components for your chosen genre.

Address the following in your written piece:

The genre’s audience and your faculty member
Samples and trends (e.g., citations, word choice, writing to the correct official, etc.) for your chosen genre
Correct formatting for your chosen genre

Part 2:
Insert a page break after your piece of writing.

Write a reflection addressing the following questions in at least 1 sentence each:

What genre did you choose for your written piece? How does your writing demonstrate this genre?
All writing has a purpose that is unique to the situation. What did you hope to accomplish with your written piece?
What research did you do for this assignment?

Cite and format references