(100 POINTSS) Label map #2 with the following information.
Identify areas in Europe that had plague outbreaks in the years 1347, 1348, 1349, 1350, and 1351.
Indicate approximate dates of plague outbreaks by using a different color for each year.
Label the city that is believed to have been the main source for the spread of the plague throughout Europe.
Add a key or legend that includes the above information.

100 POINTSS Label map 2 with the following information Identify areas in Europe that had plague outbreaks in the years 1347 1348 1349 1350 and 1351 Indicate app class=
100 POINTSS Label map 2 with the following information Identify areas in Europe that had plague outbreaks in the years 1347 1348 1349 1350 and 1351 Indicate app class=