1. How might Margaret Mead have been biased by her culture and experience when she examined the culture of the Samoans?

2. Do you think any human universals appear in all cultures? Can you think of any universal taboos?

3. One of the main criticisms of Mead was that she did not use "science" in her approach to the study of Samoan people and culture. While she is also criticized for not spending enough time in Samoa to make a proper assessment, she used observation methods to come to her conclusions. Assess how effective you think observation is to the study of anthropology. In the case of Margaret Mead, do you think her observations were correct? Why or why not?

4. Why do you think Mead's own sexuality and identity were discussed in the article?

5. How can a researcher eliminate their own bias and subjectivity when they observe another culture? Won’t they always interpret what they see through the lens of their own experience and culture? Explain your thinking.