Do you like to eat bugs? Do you like to eat jellybeans? If you are like most people, you answered “NO!” to the first question and “YES!” to the second one. But if you like eating jellybeans, you might also find that you like eating bugs—or, at least, something that bugs make. Most jellybeans and other hard candies are coated with something called shellac, which gives the candies a hard, smooth surface. Shellac is a sticky substance produced by Kerria lacca, also known as lac bugs. Lac bugs are native to Thailand. The lac bugs use the sticky stuff to stick to the trees; we use it to make our jellybeans glossy and smooth.

According to the passage lac bugs are:
I: From Thailand
II: Live underground
III: Have a smooth, glossy shell
IV: Are made into jellybeans

I only

III only

I and IV

I, II and IV

I, II, III, and IV