Proofreading Writing Practice

In Module 19, you learned how to correctly capitalize and punctuate in your writing. This activity will give you the opportunity to practice your editing skills by correcting a letter. Find all mistakes and correct them. Write the entire letter correctly. To make it easier for you to determine the ideas in the letter, asterisks have been used to separate some of the sentences. You may revise some sentences slightly if you wish. You may also assume that the format of the letter is correct.

123 bougainvillea boulevard
brinslee nouth carolina

june 7 2015

dear uncle george

this letter is to thank you for my trip to london * i loved every moment of the trip you so thoughtfully gave me as my birthday present * would you like to hear about some of my favorite moments*
our plane landed at heathrow international airport on friday afternoon and we took a shuttle to our hotel in kensington a district in that city * our concierge helped us get tickets to these wonderful plays in the west end the 39 steps american buffalo and the audience * we liked them all * mom kept saying pay attention to the queens hair and clothes * grandma remembered every prime minister in the play
on saturday we took a bus to stonehenge * did you know that the road goes right by it * you cant tell from the photos but it does * it was so cold even in may * it was so much bigger than I had ever imagined * on the bus we met some nice people from australia * the bus tour lasted all day * we also went to stratford on avon where i am sure you must know shakespeare was born * the tour also took us to oxford and bath * we visited the roman baths at bath ha ha
my favorite part of our london trip was the visit to the british museum where i saw the egyptian artifacts and the elgin marbles * i am so glad we got to see them but i do think the british people should give them back to the people they borrowed or should I say stole them from
finally monday morning came and mom grandma and i headed for the airport and said goodbye to london * we didnt get to meet prince harry but we had fun nevertheless
uncle george the trip was the best birthday present ever * it was so sweet of you to send your three favorite girls as you call us on such a wonderful trip * maybe next time you will go with us
