i had no time for thought – they were up to the house – entered with drawn swords and pistols in their hands: indeed they rushed in in the most furious manner, crying out, ‘where are these women rebels?’ that was the first salutation! the moment they espied us, off went our caps. (i always heard say none but women pulled caps!) and for what, think you? why, only to get a paltry stone and wax pin, which kept them on our heads; at the same time uttering the most abusive language imaginable, and making as if they would hew us to pieces with their swords. but it is not in my power to describe the scene: it was terrible to the last degree; and what augmented it, they had several armed negroes with them, who threatened and abused us greatly. they then began to plunder the house of every thing they thought valuable or worth taking; our trunks were split to pieces, and each mean, pitiful wretch crammed his bosom with the contents, which were our appare