Cite textual
evidence to
support your
Critical Thinking
1. Key Ideas and Details (a) How does Ravi think it would feel to
be "the winner in a circle of older, bigger, luckier children"?
(b) Draw Conclusions: What do his feelings show about his view
of the other children?
2. Key Ideas and Details (a) Infer: Why do the other children stop
searching for Ravi? (b) Draw Conclusions: What do the other
children think of Ravi? Give details from the story to support your
3. Key Ideas and Details (a) Interpret: What bitter lesson does
Ravi learn at the end of the story? (b) Apply: Do you think that
Ravi's sense of his "insignificance" will remain strong? Explain.
4. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas When does Ravi discover
that his ideas about reality are not true? How does this discovery
affect him? [Connect to the Big Question: Is there a differ-
ence between reality and truth?]
id or create
Turn in
to Kevin Smith
X what bitter lesson does Ravi learn at the end of the story?