Assignment Overview
The manufacturing sector of our economy is so large, and the career opportunities so varied, that we need a way to narrow down the field for easier exploration. One way to do that is to start with an industry within a manufacturing subsector.
Assignment Directions
Step 1:
Through online research, select one manufacturing industry within one of the subsectors listed in this lesson for further research. For example, in the food manufacturing subsector, you might choose dairy product manufacturing or seafood product preparation and packaging. You can find lists of industries in each subsector at the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Step 2:
Describe the industry, including what it does and its outlook for the future.
Step 3:
Summarize the types of jobs and career opportunities the industry offers.
Step 4:
Choose one career in the industry of your choice. Describe the career, including its role in the manufacturing process, the tasks a person in this career performs, the education and experience required to pursue this career, and its long-term prospects for employment and growth.
Submission Requirements
On 3 to 5 PowerPoint slides:
Select one manufacturing industry.
Describe the industry.
Summarize the types of jobs/career opportunities it offers.
Choose and describe one career in that industry.