
Multiple Choice Question
In this excerpt, what is the writing using source information to accomplish?

Determining whether one has the common cold or the flu can be a difficult task. Gary Liguori and Sandra Carroll-Cobb, scholars in health and human performance, clarify some key differences between the two illnesses: “Colds and influenza (‘the flu’) are both caused by viruses and have some of the same symptoms, but there are differences. Influenza is the more serious disease, although colds are more common and probably responsible for more lost days at school and on the job than any other infectious disease. For all the misery a cold can cause, in the vast majority of cases it will resolve without treatment—and nothing you do will shorten its duration” (427). So, while both illnesses can produce unpleasant symptoms, the cold is the less severe of the two.

1.Consider an opposing view
2.Provide background information
3.Entertain the reader
4.Refute an opposing view