Sections 1 to 4
Read Sections 1 to 4. Then, in your notebook, create
a simile that completes this comparison: The three
branches of government under the Constitution are
like . . . Devise your own simile, or choose from these:
• a football team
• an orchestra
• the parts of a car
Draw an illustration to help explain your simile. Label
your illustration using at least three of these terms:
executive branch, legislative branch, judicial branch,
president, Congress, Supreme Court, the people,
Constitution, checks and balances.
Next, write a “because” statement that finishes the

comparison. For example, The three branches of gov-
ernment under the Constitution are like a three-wheel

scooter because the government depends on a proper
balance among the three branches.
Finally, write three statements in support of your
simile. Use the phrase “just as” to explain how at least
three features of your illustration are like features of
the Constitution. For example, you might write, The
Constitution guides the functioning of the government,
just as handlebars are used to steer a scooter.