In this activity, you’ll listen to a podcast about how adults have navigated past financial crises. You’ll then answer a series of short answer questions based on the topics covered in that podcast. You can answer the questions in a document or record your answers in an audio or video recording.

Step 1: Listen to the Podcast
Listen to the following Ted Radio Hour podcast, hosted by Manoush Zomorodi: Elizabeth White, “How have this century’s financial crises affected older adults?”

Step 2: Answer the Questions
Based on the podcast (and your own research if needed), answer the following questions. Please answer in complete sentences and include the original question in your answer.

Why might a person assume that Ms. White would be doing well financially? Provide a quote from the interview that supports your conclusion in the answer. Make sure you cite your source in APA style.
How does hearing White’s essay piece that she reads during the interview make you feel? Does it resonate at all with you? Do you know anyone that it might resonate with? Discuss.
White says, “Millions of boomers did not land here because of too many trips to Starbucks.” Explain this statement. What conditions led to boomers ending up in with financial issues?
Choose two parts of the unit that correlate to this interview and shares the same concepts that are covered. Discuss the similarities between this interview and the unit in terms of personal finance. Illustrate this connection by paraphrasing both the unit and the interview in your answer.
How have pensions changed? Why are 401K plans not working for all Americans?
In her essay, White discusses how she uses trial-size detergent and orders water instead of wine. If you were in a tough spot financially, are there things you would be willing to give up? What would you give up and why? How would your life change? Discuss.
White has previously said that we need a new way to think about being old in America. She is calling on artists, change agents, and social entrepreneurs to help imagine a change that will better the life of older, retired people. Discuss how you think that we, as a nation, could improve the personal finance crisis?
Although this talk is mostly about the personal finance crisis impacting older generations and Baby Boomers, what about the personal finance crisis impacting younger people like yourself? Why do you think so many people are in financial crisis, not just older generations?
Has this interview prompted you to make any changes in the way that you view or manage your personal finances? Do you think it will impact how you handle your personal finances in the future? Explain.