
Complete all components in the activity below according to the given instructions. Refer to the provided rubric for information on how you will be graded. Submit your work as a file attachment using the dropbox.

The activity is worth 15 points.

Making It to the Museum
Museums play a big role in deciding which art is valuable and important. While there are many ways to collect art, museums have the benefit of making it available to the public. This means that museums must very carefully consider the pieces that they include and display. Sometimes museums work with others to share their collections and will host a special exhibit of another museum’s collection.

Using the Internet, do some research on how museums choose what to exhibit. Of course, there are many different kinds of museums, so for this assignment, the focus should be on art museums. You can look at a museum’s decision to get a particular piece of art, create a special exhibition, or display an existing collection. You will use the presentation software of your choice (like Power Point) to create a presentation showing the history of this piece or exhibition. Your presentation should include:

The significance (importance) of the piece of art/exhibition
How the museum actually got the piece of art/exhibition
Who made the decision to get the piece of art/exhibition
How the piece of art/exhibition represents what the museum is all about
The cost of the piece/exhibition
Any challenges that there were in getting the piece/exhibition
Factors that needed to be considered when designing the display
At least one image of the piece of art or the exhibition
Make sure that your presentation is well organized and free of mechanical errors in spelling and punctuation.

TABLE Grading Rubric
Presentation (80%) Mechanics (20%)
Full Credit
All of the prompts are thoroughly addressed.

The presentation demonstrates a solid understanding of the process through which museums acquire art.

An image of all the art discussed is included.

Presentation is largely free of mechanical errors.

Presentation is well organized and easy to read.

Partial Credit
All of the prompts are addressed but a few need more detail or explanation, or one or two prompts are not adequately addressed.

The presentation demonstrates understanding of the process through which museums acquire art but needs a bit of clarification in places.

An image of all the art discussed is included.

Presentation contains some mechanical errors.

Most of the presentation is well organized and easy to read.

Little Credit
Few of the prompts are thoroughly addressed.

The presentation demonstrates little understanding of the process through which museums acquire art.

An image of all the art discussed is not included.

Presentation contains many mechanical errors.

Much of the presentation is not well organized or easy to read.