A scientist discovers that there is a virus that turns pil
bugs purple when they become infected, the virus also
slowty kills them. She wonders if this vrus is spread
through ar or through contact. She sets up four smal
chambers for her experiment, each has its own isolated
or supply. Each has 5 purple pill bugs and 30 gray normal pl buns, all the
same age, size, and sex One chamber has a divider separating the purpl
pill bugs on the left and the normal pl bugs on the right. The dvder
allows air to flow from the left side to the right side, but pl bugs
cannot pass through the divider: The second chamber has a dider
separating the infected and noninfected plibugs, but this divider does no
let ar pass through it, each side of the chamber has its own ar supply.
A third chamber is set up with no dividen, the pill bugs can interact with
each other. In the Fourth chamber, she places only 50 noninfected pl
bugs with no divider. Each day over a month, she observes the pl bugs
and records how many turn purple and how many die.

what is the independent variable, dependent variable, constants, control group, and experimental group?