
You should be in groups of 4. For each round you will take on a different role. A problem is going to be posed to the class, based on your role, you are asked to
come up with a solution to the problem, keeping in mind the role you are assigned. Each round/new problem/scenario your role will change.
Consumer: You rule the market. When you are coming up with your solution to these problems, please think about what would be the best solution for the
people in our society.
Roles in our Economy
Entrepreneur: You create the market. When you are coming up with your solution to these problems, please think about what would be the best solution for
business in our society.
Government: You control the market. When you are coming up with your solution to these problems, please think about what would be the best solution for
your government in our society.
Recorder: You get to judge your peers, you are responsible for taking notes on the solutions given from your group members and deciding who presented the
best solution from your group.
Scenario 1: People earning minimum wage cannot earn enough on which to live.
Group Member Name
Solution to the
For the Recorder, tell
Ime which role had the
best solution and why.

Directions You should be in groups of 4 For each round you will take on a different role A problem is going to be posed to the class based on your role you are class=