Imagine you are the executive of a marketing
company. Beginning this year, the company will
begin conducting an in-house course for your
employees about ethics in the workplace. Design
an appropriate course that will best fit the needs of
your employees.
1. How often do you think this course should be offered
for your employees? (1 point)
2. There are a number of different ethical issues you
could discuss with your employees. What topics would
serve as a good basis for the beginning of the course?
(2 points)
3. It is important to make certain that your employees
are aware of the work ethic expected at your company.
What work ethics issues would be most ideal for your
employees? (3 points)
4. To create a worthy work environment, it is crucial
for your employees to be aware of the ethical standard
you personally hold. What manager-related ethical
concerns would you communicate to your employees?
(3 points)
5. List activities that could be used to ensure your
employees understand the concepts discussed in the
course? (3 points)
6. Online privacy and protection are crucial ethical concerns for employees to be aware of. What topics would you plan to cover in your course? (3 points)